dimanche 10 avril 2011

8 secrets of success

According to Richard St John the 8 secrets of success are:

_ Passion
_Hard work
_To try to get good on your aim
_Focus yourself on one thing
_Push yourself physically and mentally
_To serve things of value
_To have good ideas
_To persist

Second to me hard word is the best secret of success especially in studies! Since the beginning of my studies I could noticed that even if you are passionate only hard work pay. Last year I failed an important exam for the business school of Grenoble and I know that I didn’t work enough. Even if I was focus and persistent I failed! So as a French slogan says “there are no secrets, only work pay”. And yes that slogan tells the truth!

 Today people who have a good job have often worked a lot during them studies, I think about Doctor or lawyer for example. Only a minority of people succeeds thanks to passion or creativity the proportion of artist among a population is very low. Of course I would prefer to succeed thanks to my passion because it’s more exciting but unfortunately in our society it doesn’t work like that! So my best advice is “don’t reflect just work!”  

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